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FPA Signs Coalition Letter to CalRecycle with Initial Questions Regarding the SB 343 Preliminary Findings Report

The undersigned organizations appreciate the extension of the Senate Bill 343 (SB 343) [Allen, Chapter 507, Statutes of 2021] Preliminary Findings Report public comment period timeline and look forward to continued engagement with CalRecycle throughout...

FPA’s Environmental Health and Safety Committee Plans April 10th Refrigerant Briefing

In addition to its regular update call on April 10, 2024, at 2:00-3:00 p.m. EST, the EHS Committee plans to discuss the EPA’s phase-out of HFCs for refrigerants and other uses under the Paris Treaty...

FPA Signs Business Coalition Letter on GSA Proposed Rulemaking, FR Doc # 2023-27942

The undersigned business organizations appreciate the opportunity to comment on GSA’s advance notice of proposed rulemaking in response to GSAR Case 2022–G517. While we share GSA’s objective to reduce plastic waste in the environment and...

FPA Announces the Formation of Its Political Action Committee, FlexPAC™

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), the leading advocate and voice for the growing U.S. flexible packaging industry, is pleased to announce the formation of its political action committee, FlexPAC™, and its inaugural event to take...

FPA Submits Testimony in Opposition to Minnesota’s H.F. 3577

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is opposed to the current MN HF3577, which would establish an Extended Producer Responsibility program in the State of Minnesota but stands ready to strongly support an amended version.

FPA Opposes Maine’s LD 1660

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is strongly opposed to LD 1660 due to its negative effects on innovation, the environment, and your constituents. If advanced recycling is not considered to be a broader part of...

FPA Position on PFAS Statements

Many suppliers to the flexible packaging industry and converters of flexible packaging have received requests for blanket PFAS “free” representations or certifications. FPA continues to caution the industry on providing such assurances because they can...

FPA Opposes New York’s A 5322B

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is strongly opposed to NY A 5322B, which directs the Department of Environmental Conservation to establish a flawed Extended Producer Responsibility program in the State of New York.

FPA Submits Testimony in Opposition to Hawaii’s SB 2368

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is submitting testimony in opposition to SB 2368, which directs the Department of Health to conduct a statewide recycling needs assessment in the State of Hawaii.

FPA Opposes Maine’s LD 1660

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is strongly opposed to LD 1660 to its negative effects on innovation, the environment, and your constituents.

FPA Submits Testimony in Opposition to Hawaii’s HB 1688

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is submitting testimony in opposition to HB 1688, which directs the Department of Health to conduct a statewide recycling needs assessment in the State of Hawaii.

FPA Submits Testimony in Opposition to Hawaii’s HB 2740

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is submitting testimony in opposition to HB 2740, which gives the Department of Health a sweeping mandate to regulate what Hawaiians can import under the guise of a “zero waste...

FPA Submits Comments on the U.S. EPA’s Draft National Strategy to Reduce Food Loss and Waste and Recycling Organics

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is submitting these comments on the Biden-Harris Administration’s above reference draft national strategy (herein after referred to as “Strategy”). FPA represents flexible packaging manufacturers and suppliers to the industry in...

FPA Signs Letter in Support of the False Claims Enhancement Act

The undersigned organizations write in strong support of the bipartisan False Claims Enhancement Act, critical legislation which would end the questionable practice of applying inappropriate tariffs on private contracts for materials where no tariff is...

FPA Signs Coalition Support Letter for Circular Action Alliance’s Application to be the Producer Responsibility Organization Pursuant to California’s Senate Bill 54 (Allen)

The California Chamber of Commerce, local chambers of commerce and these undersigned state and national organizations, representing diverse businesses large and small from across California, strongly support the application of the Circular Action Alliance (CAA)...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter for California’s SB 54 Regulation Process for Packaging Materials That Have Unique Challenges to Comply with the Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act

The undersigned organizations, representing a diverse set of California packaging experts and businesses, are writing to ask CalRecycle to consider and adopt regulations necessary for covered materials that either cannot comply or otherwise present unique...

FPA Submits Testimony for the Joint Hearing on Packaging Reduction Before the New York State Senate Standing Committee on Environmental Conversation and the New York State Assembly Standing Committee on Environmental Conservation

The flexible packaging industry is in a unique situation as it is one of the most environmentally sustainable packaging types from a water and energy consumption, product-to-package ratio, transportation efficiency, food waste, and greenhouse gas...

FPA Submits Comments on the Revisions of the Section 232 Steel and Aluminum Tariff Exclusions Process

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is submitting comments on the above referenced proposed rule. Flexible packaging represents $43 billion in annual sales in the U.S. and is the second largest and one of the fastest...

FPA/PMMI Publishes Best Practice: Transitioning Flexible Materials Report

To help identify the key challenges experienced by CPGs when transitioning between different flexible materials, the Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) partnered with PMMI Media Group Custom Research to develop best practices to address these challenges....

FPA Responds to ABC News’ “Trashed: The Secret Life of Plastic Recycling” Investigation

ABC News’ recent “Trashed: The Secret Life of Plastic Recycling” investigation isn’t about plastic bags or even plastic packaging, it is about the current U.S. recycling system. Put trackers in any recyclable item today and...

FPA Announces that Kasie Fairbarn Has Been Elected ELC Co-Chair

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), the leading advocate and voice for the growing U.S. flexible packaging industry, is pleased to announce that Kasie Fairbarn, Product Sales Manager – Extrusion Systems for Windmoeller & Hoelscher Corporation,...

FPA Announces 2023 Board of Directors

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), the leading advocate and voice for the growing U.S. flexible packaging industry, is pleased to announce the election of its 2023 Board of Directors. William Jackson, Ph.D., Chief Technology Officer,...

FPA Signs CA AB 1290 Assembly Floor Alert

Food producers, agricultural entities, restaurants, manufacturers of household products, electronics, toys, and other leading California employers all ask you to vote NO on AB 1290. AB 1290 is another packaging ban less than a year...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter in Opposition to California’s AB 1290

The undersigned organizations, representing a cross section of manufacturers, consumer product companies, agriculture, food producers, restaurants, and others are in opposition to AB 1290. The enactment of SB 54 (Stats. 2022), along with SB 343...

FPA Submits Comments for the FTC’s Request for Public Comment on the Impact of the Green Guides

The Flexible Packaging Association appreciates this opportunity to submit its thoughts and suggestions on the issues and environmental claims on which the Commission solicited comments in its December 2022 Notice initiating the FTC’s review of...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter in Opposition to California’s AB 1290

The undersigned organizations, representing a cross section of manufacturers, consumer product companies, agriculture, food producers, restaurants, and others must respectfully oppose your AB 1290. The enactment of SB 54 (Stats. 2022), along with SB 343...

FPA Announces the 2023 Flexible Packaging Achievement Award Winners

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), the leading advocate and voice for the growing U.S. flexible packaging industry, is pleased to announce the winners of its 67th Annual Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards Competition. The winning entries...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter in Opposition of Rhode Island H 5142/S 131 Relating to the High Heat Waste Facility Act of 2023

We the undersigned organizations representing industries and workers across Rhode Island respectfully request your opposition of H 5142/ S 131– High Heat Waste Facility Act of 2023. As currently written the bill includes several broad...

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